Elly Rosana, Thirtawati Thirtawati, Muhammad Arbi, Muhammad Ridwan


This study aimed to determine and analyze the integrated rice-buffalo agribusiness system and to describe the pattern of buffalo raising in Pampangan District. This research was conducted in Pampangan District in July 2020. This research is a survey that took 30 samples purposively. Primary and secondary data obtained from the field survey were tabulated and analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The integrated rice-buffalo agribusiness system in Pampangan District consists of the upstream subsystem, namely the provision of production facilities for rice-buffalo integration activities, the farming subsystem in the form of rice cultivation and livestock raising, the downstream subsystem, namely post-harvest and management of rice-buffalo waste used for organic fertilizer and silage. The supporting subsystem is that farmers have joined Gapoktan and have received training from BPTP on making compost. Raising buffalo in Pampangan District is still traditional, which is almost entirely relying on nature. The buffaloes are released in the morning and put back in the afternoon, allowed to eat the feed in the grazing environment. In contrast, for the health of the buffalo, it is still done as necessary and not as intensive. The profit-sharing system between the owner and the custodian is known as the half system. The results of buffalo livestock production are obtained from the sale of buffalo and from the processing of buffalo milk production into sugar, sagon, curd or cow oil (a popular local term in Pampangan Sub-district).


agribusiness systems, buffalo breeding patterns, rice-buffalo integration

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