Internalization Multicultural Education for the prevention of Children`s Problem Against the Law

Fatwa Nurul Hakim, Drajat Tri Kartono, Argyo Demartoto


Children are next generation of nations need to get education can be used as capital to continue development. Ironically cases of children facing the law is increasing. Implemented school education does not character changes for children. So that the curriculum is needed in which there is knowledge of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding culture between communities. This study aims to reveal the internalization of multicultural education in schools in order to prevent the case of children facing the law. The method used in this study using descriptive qualitative which is intended to deepen the multicultural education is applied and implemented by the students. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with teachers, students involved in criminal cases, the Foundation for Child Protection and parents. Data analysis using descriptive interpretation detail in to the data that have been collected and then done the interpretation, information data that has been collected in the analysis with descriptive interpretative technique that is done interpretation (interpretation) of the object based on data obtained then taken conclusion. The results of this study reveal that the curriculum of moral character development in children is minimal. The child's output at school is merely a value, not looking at the elements of character, behavior and feelings.


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