Blended Learning Instructional Design Development On The Prepackaged Products Training Using Pedati Model

Wicaksono Febriantoro


Civil State Apparatus (ASN) Act No. 5 2014 stated that ASN have the right to gain competence development. Further in PP No.11 2017 on Civil Servant Management confirmed that every government officer is entitled to competence development for at least 20 (twenty) lesson hours in 1 (one) year.Limited metrological technical training allocationcauses not all ASN in Indonesia have the opportunity to develop their competence. Therefore, it is necessary to develop varieties of metrological trainings in addition to conventional methods. The alternative is e-learning based training. One of its goal is to reduce face to face lesson hour, as a result more technical training can be conducted by PPSDK without compromising training quality. This study will analyzed the development of blended learning design that is tailored to the training needs and characteristics of participants in government institutions with prepackaged products training case study using PEDATI model. Research and development (R&D) methods with descriptive qualitative approach is used in this study. Design outcomes are as follows: all stages in PEDATI model can be used to develop blended learning instructional design based on validation by subject matter experts. A recommendation in the 4th stage the design of asynchronous learning activities should include time allocation for each learning activity in order to estimate the total time required. Accurate learning activity mapping into synchronous and asynchronous learning can ensure the achievement of competence standard and simultaneously reducing time needed to conduct face to face learning. The design prune face to face learning activity from total 50 Learning Hours (5 days) to only 20 Learning Hours (2 days), but as the trade off training participants have to occupy longer time in online activities.

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