Critical Thinking Skills of Physics Education Students Through CTL-Based Fundamental Biology

Yatin Mulyono


The aim of this research is to improve critical thinking skills and cognitive learning outcomes of Physics Education students after learning fundamental biology based on CTL Experimental method. Essay and scoring rubric of critical thinking skills were used to find out what happened to students in term of critical thinking skill of doing essay. The data of students' critical thinking skills were calculated to obtain the data of critical thinking skills of the whole class. There was an improvement of students' critical thinking skills from the initial condition to the First Meeting by 6.8% and from the First Meeting to the Second Meeting by 8.12%. Students cognitive learning outcomes of Meeting II obtained an average value of 76.82. Improvement of students’ cognitive learning outcomes from the initial conditions to the First Meeting was 10.54 and from Meeting I to Meeting II was 3.2. The objectives or target of classical learning is achieved. The results shows that CTL experimental method can improve critical thinking skills and cognitive learning outcomes of Physics Education students.

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