The Parents School Program at Baturraden Natural School

Johar Alimuddin, Mira Purnamasari Safar


The aims of this research were to reveal: (a) The concept and aim of The Parent’s School that is implemented in Baturraden Nature School (b) Activities that are done by parents when they are involved in children education. (c) Challenges from the implementation of the parent’s school program. This research applied case study qualitative approach because it wanted to reveal what is behind the parent’s school program that is implemented in Baturraden Nature School.  This research also revealed any activity that involved the parents in the educational practice in Baturraden nature school. Moreover, it also revealed challenges as well as the things that attribute the implementation of the parent’s school activity in Baturraden nature school. The research data was gained from interview, observation, and document analysis. The parent’s school is a parent’s involvement program in children education that is considered as parent’s education needs model. The form of the parent’s school was not only conference, but it was varied through a variety of activities such as outbound or games.  The parent’s school activity that has been joined by the students’ parents were closed with reflection and question and answer with psychologist or expert. Parents were also involved in the children’s assignment or project at home. This parent’s school activity was high almost ever students’ parents in the Baturraden nature school attended. This parent’ school program was very helpful in monitoring the students’ development as well as able to increase the children’s potential.

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