The Use of Learning Media by Junior High School Teachers of Science in Tanjungpinang and Bintan

Nevrita Nevrita


Place of research  in some of SMP Negeri in Tanjungpinang and Bintan. The population is all science teachers of SMP Negeri in Tanjungpinang and Bintan while the sample in this study consists of eight Junior High Schools located in Tanjungpinang and four Junior High Schools in Bintan.This study aims to determine the use of learning media by science teachers in Tanjungpinang and Bintan and constraints faced by teachers regarding the use of learning media. Sampling technique in this research is simple random sampling. While type of research is descriptive. Data collection was obtained through questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Questionnaire contains ten questions using a Guttman scale consisting of “yes” and “no” questions.Data collection is also done by interviewing teachers to find out the constraints found by teachers during the learning process takes place. Other data collection techniques are done by looking at the RPP created by teachers on the learning media used.The results obtained an average of 69.16% of teachers use learning media during the learning process took place. From the average results seen that not all teachers of IPA in SMP Negeri Tanjungpinang and Bintan use learning media during the learning-teaching process.While the expectations at this time in accordance with the demands of the curriculum that during the learning process should use learning media. The results from the questionnaires obtained data about the constraints found in the teacher's use or to use the learning media.The results obtained by analyzing the RPP turns out that teachers write the media used in each meeting, this is not in accordance with the fact of the average outcomes. There should be a policy from government and school to overcome these obstacles. Further research that I suggest is to know the creativity of teachers in making learning media.

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