The Application of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model through Lesson Study in the Grade X of State Vocational High School/SMK in Sukoharjo

Ansheila Rusyda Subiyantari, Abdul Haris Setiawan, Sri Sumarni


Cooperative learning model Jigsaw which collaborated with lesson study is one of the strategies used to stimulate the students’ participation in the learning process, especially in solving and explaining each answer of problems given by the teacher so that the learning process is not only centered on the teacher but also the students. The purposes of this research are to: (1) determine the application of the appropriate steps in order to increase students’ participation and students’ learning outcome through Jigsaw cooperative learning model with lesson study; (2) to know the improvement of students’ participation and students’ learning outcome for the Engineering Mechanics subject of grade X of state SMK in Sukoharjo through the implementation of Jigsaw cooperative learning model with lesson study. This research is a classroom action research which  conducted in three cycles.

The results showed that: (1) there was appropriate application of steps in improving the students’ participation and students’ learning outcome in accordance with the Jigsaw cooperative learning model through lesson study; (2) students became more active in participating in grade, such as asking, giving opinion, and  discussion. The percentage of completeness of students’ learning outcome in the cognitive area of pre-cycle was 30%, 64.71% in the first cycle, 79.41% in the second cycle, and 82.35% in the third cycle. Then, in term of students’ learning outcome in the affective area, most students were predicated Very Good and Good. Next, the percentage of completeness student learning outcome in the pre-cycle of psychomotor was 26.67%, 61.76% in the first cycle, 79.41% in the second cycle, and 85.29% in the third cycle. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the implementation of Jigsaw cooperative  model through lesson study with appropriate steps has succesfully increased the students’ participation and students’ learning outcome of grade X of state SMK in Sukoharjo on the subjects of Engineering Mechanics.

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