Ramdan Sukmawan


This research aims at describing how face expresses in communication interaction in wayang sukuraga show. The show which presents the theme of human conflict internally, namely the conflicts part of body between figure and figure such as eyes, mouth, ears, nose, hand, and foot will have a certain offering of face whether positive face or negative face. Positive face expresses in: (1) regretting to what happen; (2) want to be liked; (3) confessing on profession; and (4) want to be known by other. Meanwhile negative face expresses in: (1) freedom to choose by his/herself; (2) freedom to see; (3) freedom to take; and (4) order to find out. The Research applied qualitative descriptive method with pragmatics approach. The data was obtained from video of wayang sukuraga show. Data collection applied simak method. The technique applied sadap and catat. Qualitative data analysis applied with the step of reduction data, display data, and drawing conclusion. 


communication; face; interaction; pragmatics; Wayang Sukuraga

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