Laila Nur Aflah


This study aims to explain the comparison of the translation results of two translation machines, Google Translate and Bing Translator. The object of this research is the hedging words contained in one of the opinions in The Jakarta Post's online newspaper entitled Why Indonesians should write about Indonesia in English more often. The types of hedges that appear in the article and become the object of research are in four types, namely: lexical verb, modal auxiliary verb, compound hedges, and adverb of frequency. From the analysis conducted, the writer found that the translation of hedging words with two translation machines assisted different results of the translation are identical. The method used by the two translation machines is literal translation so that the form and meaning of the source text is equivalent to the form and meaning of the target text. The author believes that the artificial intelligence developed in those two translation machines has different abilities and can be proven by research with wider and more varied sentence objects.


Bing translator; Google translate; Hedging words; Studi Komparasi; terjemahan

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