Penerapan Lean Six Sigma di Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia: Komparasi Literature Review dan Studi Kasus

Selamat Walmanto Hia


This article discusses the implementation of lean six sigma in Indonesia manufacturing companies  from sigma level perspective. This article compares two different studies on sigma level evaluation in manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The first study was carried out through a literature review by reviewing 52 articles discussing the lean six sigma project and obtained an industry average value of 3.68 sigma. The second study as a comparison was to calculate the actual sigma level from 58 cases of improvement projects in companies using the lean six sigma methodology and obtained an industry average value of 3.69. Statistical analysis with a two sample t-test showed a p-value of 0.93 indicating there was no significant difference between these two studies. The results of this study show that the industry average value is 3.7 sigma, where this value is equivalent to a process capability index (Cpk) of 1.23, which is still below the manufacturing standard Cpk of 1.33.


lean, six sigma, industry, improvement, business


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