Analisis Penerapan Metode 5S pada Warehouse Fast Moving PT.Indonesia Power UBP Mrica Kabupaten Banjarnegara

Nadiya Pramudian Kurniawati, Novie Susanto


Indonesia Power UBP Mrica ltd. in the Banjarnegara district is a company that runs is the field of provision and distribution of electricity. For a company that specialized in the field of provision and distribution of electricity it is vital to have a place to store items and spare parts for production, usually called warehouse. Beside for a place to store stuff, a warehouse can also function as a temporary storage for products or spare parts that will be used and distributed, either to the consumers or the other warehouses. The main goal of this study is to know how the 5S method is implemented in the warehouse of Indonesia Power UBP Mrica ltd. Implementation here include the labelling of shelf and cabinet, and also the standardization for the whole activities in the warehouse for the sake of optimizing performance in the warehouse. The result of this research will be a suggestion of refinement related to the warehouse performance.


5S; gudang; seiri; seiton; seiso; seiketsu; shitsuke;

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