Design Evaluations of Aerosol Suction Machine for Dental Treatment Practices in COVID-19 Era

Fitrian Imaduddin, Seraf Steva Oryzanandi, Budi Santoso, Raymundus Lulus Lambang Govinda Hidayat


This paper aims to demonstrate the evaluation process to select the Aerosol Suction Machine (ASM) design to be implemented in a dental treatment practice to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). There are two designs evaluated, the movable ASM and the fixed mounting ASM. The evaluation process involved four criteria: flexibility, safety level, manufacturability, and maintenance. The evaluation is conducted based on a specific requirement of a small dental clinic located in Surakarta, Indonesia. The evaluation results show that the fixed mounting is more suitable for implementation in a small dental clinic with many natural ventilation openings.

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