Cu Addition Effect Analysis on Matrix Of Remelting Piston Aluminium Composite with Silica Sand Reinsforcement to The Impact Strength and Micro Structure on Aluminuim Matrix Composite Using Stir-Casting Method

Fajar Paundra, Teguh Triyono, Wahyu Purwo Raharjo


AMC (Aluminium Matrix Composite) is material which has a great potential for being developed. This research was done to find effect added of Cu variation for impact strength and microstructure on Al-Si composite. Mass fractions of sand silika is 3% and Cu variation adding is 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4%. Composite manufacture is using stir casting method with stirring 600 rpm during of 5 minutes on semi solid temperature. Speciments were tested using optical microscope and impact charpy testing machine. The value impact of composite without adding Cu is 0,333 J/mm2 after added Cu value down. Until adding Cu 4% the value impact is 0,104 J/mm2. Micro photograph showed the result of porosity and SiO2 unform distribution with the adding of Cu to the composite. From the test results it is known that the strength of the impact decreases with mass fraction addition Cu. This is because the addition of Cu can increase the porosity and formed CuAl2 phase which are brittle.

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