Pengaruh daur ulang litter terhadap kualitas litter dan udara dalam pemeliharaan broiler

Muhamad Najibulloh, Niken Ulupi, Salundik Salundik


Objective: In general, farmers use litters from rice husks. However, along with the decline in paddy fields, rice husk is difficult to obtain and the price is expensive. One effort that can be done is to reuse the litter that has been used. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of recycling on the quality of litter and air in raising broiler.

Methods: Two hundred day old chick (DOC) males strain Ross jumbo with an average body weight of 44.74±2.21 g were used in this research. The research treatmens were divided into 3 mini closed-house cages (LB: new litter, LFPM: litter fermented and sun-dried, LFPA: litter fermented and aerated). The data of litter quality (pore structure, total bacteria, moisture content, and adsorption percentage) and air quality (carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide concentration, and dust total) were collected. The data of moisture and adsorption percentage of litter were analyzed statistically using Completely Randomized Design (SAS 9.0). Total bacteria, litter pore structure and air quality were analyzed using descriptive analysis.

Results: The results showed that reusing litter did not influence the percentage of moisture and litter adsorption. The pore surface area of litter was not affected by the different treatments. The fermented and sun-dried litter showed a larger decreasing of total bacteria (57.75%) compare to the fermented and aerated litter (41%). Carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide concentration, and dust total in all treatments were within the normal standard.

Conclusions: In conclusion, litter and air quality were not affected by reusing litter.



Air quality; Broiler; Litter fermentation; Litter quality; New litter


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