Investigasi kapasitas kepemimpinan dalam kelompok peternak sapi PO Kebumen di pesisir Kabupaten Kebumen

Mochamad Sugiarto, Oentoeng Edy Djatmiko, Syarifuddin Nur, Yusmi Nur Wakhidati


Objective: The sustainability of the Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers groups in the coastal area of Kebumen Regency has become very important to support the increase in beef cattle production in the countryside. Leadership capacity is the ability of group leaders in managing groups and their members toward more dynamic groups of farmers. This study aimed to identify the leadership capacity of Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers and analyze the relationship between demographic factors and the leadership capacity of Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers.

Methods: One hundred forty-seven respondents of Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers were taken using the multistage sampling method to provide an assessment of the leadership capacity of the head of Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers group. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Spearman rank correlation

Results: The analysis showed that the age of the group leader, the experience of the group leader involved in the farmers group, and the experience of the group leader in raising beef cattle has a significant relationship with the leadership capacity in the group (P <0.05).

Conclusions: The heads of the Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers groups had high leadership capacity.


Leadership capacity; Farming experience; Group experience


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