Hubungan antara Tingkat Kecanduan Game Online dengan Prestasi Akademik SiswaSMA

Ainaiyah Faatihah Amril, Naharus Surur, Rian Rokhmad Hidayat


The present study aims to : (1) describe students' online game addiction and academic achievement in senior high school students, (2) examine the relationship between online game addiction and academic achievement. This correlational study involved 155 respondents, recruited using the cluster sampling technique. The data were collected using the author's online game addiction questionnaire and the final exam results for mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia, and English subjects. The validity test covered the construct and empirical validity, while the reliability was determined using Cronbach's Alpha with SPSS 25. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result showed that most students have moderate online game addiction (82%, n= 127) and moderate academic achievement (62%, n =96). The hypothesis result showed a significance value of 0.015 and a correlation coefficient of 0.195, indicating that the hypothesis was supported. In other words, students' online game addiction level is associated with their academic achievement. Future studies are recommended to explore other factors affecting students' academic achievement, such as learning motivation, intelligence, and learning style.


academic achievement; online game addiction; students

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