Implementasi international baccalaureate curriculum tingkat primary years programme di sekolah dasar surakarta

Valentina Sekar Widyastari, Sri Marmoah, Suharno Suharno


The research aims to describe the implementation of International Baccalaureate
curriculum Primary Years Programme in Elementary School Surakarta. This research uses a
descriptive qualitative method. The sample is collected by purposive sampling. The data is
collected through observing, interviewing, questionnaire, and documenting. The validity of
research data uses triangulation of technics and triangulation of resources. Data were
analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This results showed
that the implementation of International Baccalaureate in Al Firdaus elementary school
covered four point: (1) Learning with an inquiry approach has six steps include finding out,
tuning in, sorting out,going further, conclusion, and taking action, (2) Ten IB Profile such open
minded, inquiry, principled, caring, integrity, communicator, balanced, reflective, risk taker,
and knowledgeable, (3) Application of six transdisciplinary themes which is who we are, where
we are in a place and time, how the world works, how we express ourselves, how we organized
ourselves, and sharing the planet , (4) Five approach to learning such management skills,
research skills, thinking skills, communicator skills, and social skills.


Curriculum Implementation; International Baccalaureate; Primary Years Programme

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