Peran orang tua dalam memotivasi kegiatan belajar dari rumah di era COVID-19 pada peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar

K Nisa, Chumdari Chumdari, Karsono Karsono


This research aims to describe the role of parents in motivating the activity of
learning from home in the 4th (fourth) graders elementary school in COVID-19 era. The
research method employed was descriptive qualitative one with case study approach. The
techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and document study. Data
validation was conducted using source and technique triangulations. Data analysis was
carried out using Miles and Huberman’s interactive technique of analysis. The result of
research shows that parents play a very important role in motivating the activity of learning
from home the 4th (fourth) graders elementary school in COVID-19 era. The role is manifested
into providing learning facility, praise and reward, creating conducive learning circumstance,
and guiding the students in learning. The constraints encountered by parents in motivating the
activity of learning from home are financial, material mastery, work bustle, and students’ poor
learning motivation due to non-conducive environment in learning circumstance. The attempts
the parents have taken to solve the problems are to guide and to monitor the learning process,
to enroll their children in tutoring institution, to educate the children to save money, and to
increase the learning source from cyberspace


parents’ role; learning motivation; learning from home; elementary school

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