Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru SDN 4 Jiken dalam Pemanfaatan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi (TIK) Melalui Supervisi Akademik Teknik Kunjungan Kelas

Pujiati Pujiati


This research is a School Action Research (SAR) with the purpose to analyze the
increasing of the teachers’ pedagogical competenciesElementary School of 4 Jiken in the
utilization of Communication and Informatical Technology (CIT) during the learning on the
first Semester of the 2018/2019 year academic through academic supervision with classroom
visitation. The location of this research is Elementary School of 4 Jiken, Sub district of Jiken,
Regency of Blora. The time of this research is early the first Semester of the 2018/2019 year
academic according with the schedule and the research. The subjects of this research are the
class teachers (CT) and the subject teachers (ST) in Elementary School of 4 Jiken, Sub district
of Jiken, Regency of Blora, consist of five CT and three ST. Technique of collecting data of
this research is non test technique. Whereas the instruments of collecting data of this research
are the sheets of observation and documentation. Technique of analyzing data of this research
is comparative description. The procedure of this research is using Cycle Model, consist of
four steps; planning, action, observing and reflection. The results of this research are 1)
academic supervision with classroom visitations to Elementary School of 4 Jiken teachers in
the utilization of Communication and Informatical Technology (CIT)during the learning on the
first Semester of the 2018/2019 year academic are individually classroom visitation by the
Principal and participation classroom visitation by the Principal with the teachers, 2) academic
supervision with classroom visitations to Elementary School of 4 Jiken teachers in the
utilization of Communication and Informatical Technology (CIT) during the learning on the
first Semester of the 2018/2019 year academic are composing slide power point and utilizing
as the learning media in learning interaction and 3) the teachers’ pedagogical competencies
Elementary School of 4 Jiken in the utilization of Communication and Informatical
Technology (CIT) during the learning on the first Semester of the 2018/2019 year academic
through academic supervision with classroom visitation are increasing and including as good
category (B).


Kompetensi Pedagogik; Pembelajaran; Supervisi Akademik; Kunjungan Kelas.

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