Arah pendidikan karakter pancasila era pandemi covid 19

Fadil Purnama Adi


This study aims to find out the direction of the “Grounding Pancasila character education during Covid-19 Pandemic era” policy. The research methods employed were secondary data and qualitative analysis. The result of study showed that the education realm face very severe challenge of in Indonesia, particularly in realizing Pancasila character education during Covid-19 Pandemic era because of teachers’ unequal ability of using online learning, parents’ difficulty in understanding the lesson and motivating their children during school from home, limited facilities and infrastructure, and limited fund. However, they are required to be able to produce superior, innovative human resource with Pancasila character. Government’s policy of grounding Pancasila character during Covid-19 Pandemic era conducted through Reinforcing Character Education (PPK), empowering Republic of Indonesia’s Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 87 of 2017 about the Reinforcement of Character Education, and issuing Freedom to Learn Policy will not be realized without the government’s progressive measures related to the curriculum. The issuance of “national emergency” curriculum policy based on Minister of Education and Culture’s Decree Number 719 /P/2O2O is expected to be effective in grounding Pancasila character. The organizers of Education, from primary level to high education, should follow up the regulation responsively by reconstructing the curriculum, and the government should also give the parents specific incentive and facilitation and increase the fund to support online learning facilities and infrastructure, to enable the learning to produce superior resource with Pancasila personality during Covid-19 Pandemic era.   


Education, Pancasila Character, Covid-19 Pandemic

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