Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran Dan Monitoring Service Pada DFN Computer Berbasis Web

Taufiq NurHidayat, Rudi Susanto, Vihi Atina


DFN Computer  merupakan usaha jasa service perangkat komputer yang menangani semua perangkat keras (hardware) maupun perangkat lunak (software). Pendaftaran service masih manual dengan pelanggan datang langsung ke toko dan juga menghubungi melalui WhatsApp. Monitoring service pelanggan hanya bisa menanyakan sejauh mana proses service-nya menggunakan WhatsApp. Dalam pembuatan dan pengelolaan laporan data service masih dikelola secara manual atau melakukan pencatatan menggunakan kertas diteruskan dikelola di Excel. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam pembuatan laporan, pengolahan data monitoring service maupun transaksi service diatas maka dibutuhkan sistem informasi berbasis website yang mudah diakses oleh semua orang. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode waterfall yang meliputi Requirement, Design, Implementation,Verification, Maintenance. Sistem informasi yang telah dibangun berhasil menampilkan dan mengelola data pelanggan, data harga, data service, data monitoring service, dan laporan transaksi yang bisa diakses oleh owner dan teknisi. Pengujian blackbox mendapatkan hasil yaitu bahwa sistem yang dibuat sudah baik, dalam membantu proses monitoring service maupun transaksi service, mempercepat pengolahan data, dan dari hasil user acceptance testing bahwa berdasarkan dari 30 responden yang terdiri dari 1 owner, 2 Teknisi, 27 Pelanggan didapatkan hasil Sangat setuju 48,02 %, Setuju 47,34 %, Netral 4,64 %, Tidak setuju 0%, dan Sangat tidak setuju 0%. 
DFN Computer is a computer equipment service business that handles all hardware and software. Service registration is still manual with customers coming directly to the store and also contacting via WhatsApp. Monitoring customer service can only ask how far the service process is using WhatsApp. In making and managing data service reports, it is still managed manually or recording using paper is continued to be managed in excel. To meet the needs for making reports, monitoring service data processing and service transactions above, a website-based information system is needed that is easily accessible to everyone. The method used uses the waterfall method which includes Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification, Maintenance. The information system that has been built successfully displays and manages customer data, price data, service data, service monitoring data, and transaction reports that can be accessed by owners and technicians. Blackbox testing got the result that the system created was good, in assisting the process of monitoring services and service transactions, speeding up data processing, and from the results of user acceptance testing that based on 30 respondents consisting of 1 owner, 2 technicians, 27 customers, the results obtained Strongly agree 48.02%, Agree 47.34%, Neutral 4.64%, Disagree 0%, and Strongly disagree 0%.


DFN Computer, Waterfall, Monitoring servis, Servis komputer

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