Sistem Deteksi Biometrik Keunikan Wajah Secara Real Time

Anita Sindar RM Sinaga


Facial recognition is important for identifying a person's biodata profile. The physical development of students from the time they entered college to graduation has experienced inconspicuous changes but it is sometimes difficult to identify faces one by one. Digital form is becoming a trend to remember more real time. An important part of human physical identification has begun to shift from signature - finger - face selection. The face includes five important senses that are interconnected into an identification device. In this study the focus is on face detection based on color, the application of the Camshift Algorithm and finding the distance between the face sensing points is the result of the Gabor Wavelet method. Training data uses 4-8 second real time video. The hue histogram is basically the same as the RGB histogram, the difference is that the hue histogram uses the Hue value instead of RGB because the hue value represents natural color without regard to lighting. Gabor Wavelet transform is provided to solve filter design problems. The face detection system looks for face points to form a frame-shaped face selection if previously the face has been stored in a database so the system can easily describe biodata. Face selection can be done on live testing data. The selection box detection follows every facial movement.


biometrics, face detection, real time, face selection box

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