Perception Gap in the Business Vocational School Students o fthe teaching adequacy of the 21st Century Skills in Facing the Knowledge Economy

Feri Setyowibowo, Muhammad Sabandi, Jonet Ariyanto


In order to have its graduates having the capabilities aligned with knowledge economies as those the developed countries in the next century, business school students in the developing countries need to be equipped with the 21st century skills. These skills include critical thinking, collaboration, effective communication, creative thinking, global connection, local context, computer literacy etc. On the other hand, the business vocational education as the source of economic development based on expertise, it is very important to get a sufficient portion of the skills to gain control in the future. However, in reality there are some significant problem that made teachers are reluctant to apply in the classroom. This study aims to mapping out how the implementation of 21st century skills at the vocational school in Central Java. However, differently from other research that based on teachers perceptions, the current research use the student's perception. Using the model of the 21st century skills that developed by previous researchers, this study tested on 60 students of Business vocational high school in several Central Java areas. Results of data analysis and frequency distribution table show that there are still some variables that needs to be improved. Implications and suggestions for the development of the development of 21st century skills mastery also to be submitted for the regulatory improvement and further action research and learning purposes.

Keywords: perception analyses, 21st century skills, business vocational school

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