Project-Based Learning Model in Developing Creativity Support Environments in the Class of Entrepreneurship Education

Pujiriyanto Pujiriyanto, Samsi Haryanto, Mulyoto Mulyoto, Dewi Rochsantiningsih


Creativitysupportenvironments(CSEs)and pedagogicalmodelappliedinentrepreneurshipeducationare liketwosidesofacoin.Arguably, developing CSEcannotbeachievedwithout supporting approriate teachinglearning.Aconventionallearningmodeljust distortsthe developmentof  CSE.The most effectivestrategyforCSEdevelopmentistochangethewayofteaching.Astrategythatcouldforma CSEistoprovideactive,constructivist, andcollaborativelearningandopportunities forimprovisation. Theoretically,project-basedlearning(PBL)ispotentialtocreateCSE. Thisstudyaimedtotestthe effectivenessofaPBLmodelincomparisonwithaconventionalmodel.TheCSE,inthisstudyincludes campuslearningsituationandnon-campus environment support,suchasthesupportfromlecturerand family.Specialattentionispaidtoassessthestudentperception onCSE.Indoingso,aquasi- experimentalstudyinvolvedpublicandprivateuniversitystudentsattendingtheentrepreneurship course was conducted.The results are expected to encourageapedagogical transformation.Ascalewas developedtomeasurethevariableofCSEbeforeandafterthetreatment.Anindependentsamplest-test wascarriedoutontheposttest scores.Theresultsofthestudy showed thattherewasnosignificant difference between thePBLmodel andtheconventionalmodel, butthegainscoresintheexperimental groupswerehigher.Itcanbeconcluded thatCSEisnotinstantly formedbutitisaprocessandneedsa longitudinalstudy. LecturersshouldbeawarethattheformationofCSEneedsa sustainableeffort.

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