Model of Android Application-Assisted Arabic Letter Teaching Material Development to Improve Reading Skills and Interests for Beginners

Setyo Hartanto, Joko Nurkamto, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Dewi Rochsantiningsih


This research aims at (1) developing the android application-assisted Arabic letter learning materials to improve reading skills and interests for beginners; (2) describing the effect of the developed model on the Arabic makhraj reading skills among the students with high, moderate, low reading interests; and (3) testing the effectiveness of the developed learning materials in reading the Arabic letter makhraj.This research used the procedure of Borg and Gall with three modified phases: (1) preliminary research; (2) development; and (3) testing of the effectiveness of the developed learning learning material “Pengenalan Huruf Arab Bagi Pemula” assisted by android application of “Huruf-huruf Arab dan Cara Membaca yang Benar Bagi Pemula‟. The preliminary research found that (1) the Arabic letter learning still encountered some obstacles because the Quran Learning Centers (TPAs) did not utilized the new learning technology for the basic level of Arabic letter; (2) 70% of the learners in Junior Secondary School had not read the Quran correctly; and (3) 60% the adult Muslim communities in the research area could not read the holy Quran. This research is still progress, and therefore for the next phases, the following shall be solved: (1) development phase: the determination of population and samples of the basic level of Arabic learning at the TPAs, product design, and product testing, and (2) testing phase: the testing of the effectiveness of android application-assisted learning materials.


Keywords: Learning materials, Arabic, android application, reading interests for beginners

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