Development of Thinking Skill Test for Senior High School Students

Widha Sunarno, Nonoh Siti Aminah, Delisma Wisnu Adi, Bertha Wikara


Thinking skills can be divided into critical thinking and creative thinking. Critical thinking is an ability to solve the problem, examine hypothesis, and reach conclusion by the scientific way. Creative thinking can be defined as the mental activity to increase purity or sensitivity to develop something. Students need to be trained to develop the two abilities because both abilities grow through the process, not instantly. This is the same as development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills. There are many learning models can be used to explore the two abilities. On this research, we used Contextual Teaching and Learning which has known as learning method usually used in thinking skill explorations. The development of thinking skill test  through several steps, those were getting the information, working with the information, judging the quality of information, using the information for a purpose, and using information to craft a product/presentation. Critical thinking and creative thinking abilities are considered as indicators of performance assessment (showed by determination values (R2) of both R2 creative = 0,1936 and R2  critical = 0,0361). Senior high school students‘ phases of critical thinking consist of understanding a definition, identification, understanding a comprehension and understanding a correlation.  This  was  proven  by  critical  thinking  indicator  values  (An),  those  were  A1   (to understand working definition according to physics) = 0,26, A3 (to identify some activities in daily life that included as working or not working according to physics) = 0,26, A4  (to understand comprehension of energy) = 0,22, A7 (to analyse correlation among working, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy) = 0,20. Senior high school students’ thinking ability phase only achieved expertise in cause and effect finding and this showed by indicator value of creative thinking, B1 (to find conditions that cause working) = 0,37.

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