Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Geografi Peserta Didik Kelas X IPS 1 SMAIT Ibnu Abbas Kabupaten Klaten (Materi Pokok Dinamika Hidrosfer dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kehidupan)

Shalahuddin Jundi Robbani, Pipit Wijayanti, Rita Noviani



This study aims to determine 1) the level of ability of Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in improving Geography learning motivation in class X IPS 1 SMAIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten. 2) the level of ability of Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in improving Geography learning outcomes in class X IPS 1 SMAIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten. The method used was classroom action research method which was carried out as many as 2 cycles. The research subjects were students of class X IPS 1 SMAIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten as many as 30 students. Data collection instruments are tests, observation, documentation and interviews. The results showed: 1) The application of PBL learning model is proven to increase the learning motivation of students of class X IPS 1 SMAIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten on Basic Competency 3.7. Hydrosphere Dynamics and its Impact on Life. This is indicated based on the results of observations of cycle I to cycle II increased 30% from 70% to 100%. 2) The application of PBL learning model is proven to improve the learning outcomes of students of class X IPS 1 SMAIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten on Basic Competency 3.7. Hydrosphere Dynamics and its Impact on Life. This is shown based on the test results of cycle I to cycle II from 20 students who have completed (66.67%) to 25 students (83.33%), an increase of 16.67%.


Keywords: Learning Model, PBL, Learning Motivation, Learning Outcomes

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