Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The subject matter of the journal includes the following and related issues:

1. Geography Education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to geography education in elementary, junior high, high school and university.
2. Population education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, research development and survey research related to population education in elementary, junior high, high school and university.
3. Environmental education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to environmental education in elementary, junior high, high school and university.
4. The phenomenon of the lithosphere and its interaction with the population
5. The phenomenon of hydrosphere and its interaction with the population
6. The phenomenon of the atmosphere and its interaction with the population
7. The phenomenon of anthroposphere and its interaction with environmental elements
8. Interaction between society, development and implication for sustainable development
9. Sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development
10. Social and cultural contexts of sustainable development
11. Role of education and public awareness in sustainable development
12. Impacts of population growth and human activity on food and other essential resources for development
13. Sustainable land use, water, energy and biological resources in development Distribution, growth, population composition and demographic-related issues
14. Development and application of sustainability indicators


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Section Policies

Research article is writen based on scientific research. The article should present the novelty, originality and contribution in developing knowledge. The lenght of these articles are typically from 5000 to 7000 words including the reference list. This should contain:


- Abstract,

- Introduction,

- Research Methods,

- Results and Discussion, and

- Conclusions.


ยท Peer Review Process


  1. Geadidaktika Employs a double-blind peer-review method, namely that both reviewer's and author's (s) identities will be concealed from each other.
  2. Initial Screening. The Editor-in-Chief will screen all submitted manuscripts to determine whether the manuscript abides by the focus and scope of the Journal of Geadidaktika. Manuscripts that do not meet the basic requirements will be rejected without further review.
  3. If the manuscript meets these two criteria, it is checked for plagiarism or duplicate publication with a Similarity Check. After confirming its result, it is dispatched to two independent reviewers in the field with relevant knowledge.
  4. Peer-review. All manuscripts that pass the initial screening stage will be distributed to two experts in the relevant field to undergo a double-blind peer review.
  5. First Decision. A decision on a peer-reviewed manuscript will be given once both reviewers have submitted their review reports. If both reviewers have differing opinions about the manuscript, the final decision will be handed over to the Editor-in-Chief. At this stage, the author (s) will receive at least one of these decisions: accepted, revision required, or rejected.
  6. Revision Stage. Manuscripts recommended for revision will be returned to the submitting author. The author (s) will have up to 1 month to revise the manuscripts. The revision process will be limited to a maximum of two rounds.
  7. Final Decision. The manuscript will be rejected if the author(s) fails to meet the revision requirements after the second round. All accepted manuscripts will go through the final editing and layout process.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Publication Ethic

Jurnal Geadidaktika is a journal that is professionally managed by Sebelas Maret University by upholding the copyright, privacy, license, and ethics of scientific publications. Every article that is published in Jurnal Pustaka Ilmiah gives a significant scientific impact on the reader because it prioritizes aspects of renewal, authenticity, and expediency.

The publication ethics below are the main principles and foundations in journal publication, which regulate the ethics of author, editor, reviewer, and journal manager. We hope that by understanding and implementing this scientific publication, every article that is published in this journal can avoid all forms of malpractice publication band copyright infringement, such as duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.

Author Ethic

  • Reporting; the author should report the process and results of their research fairly, clearly, precisely, accurately, thoroughly, and impartially as well as save the data well. Honesty is expected in presenting any data and information listed in content and research results.
  • Originality; the author makes a statement that the paper submitted to the journal editor is original (from the author's own ideas), has never been delivered and published in any media, in any language, and is not in the process of submission to another publisher. In the case of publication duplication and deception, the article is subject to be removed from this journal.
  • Clear sources; the author should mention and ensure that any reading materials used as citations and bibliography are written clearly and completely. The author is strictly forbidden to quote the writings of others without citing the original source.
  • Responsibility; the author is fully responsible for the data and research writings, in terms of methods, analysis, calculation, and details. If verification is required from the editor and reviewer, the author is willing to answer it clearly, precisely and fairly.
  • Agreement; author ensures that the names listed in the article are based on contributions of ideas and thoughts of every author and have been approved by the entire team of authors. Any changes, reductions or additions of author names, should be approved by the team of authors. Any other parties contributing fully ( non-substance ) in writing this paper,  the author expresses their gratitude to the relevant parties.
  • Punctuality; author revises and edits the manuscript punctually for the sake of discipline and regular journal publication. Otherwise, the author is ready to take the consequences, which is the delay of journal article publication.
  • Disclosure of conflicts of interest; author upholds copyright and privacy of one another to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest with other parties, the author must solve it justly and wisely.