Pemberdayaan Guru SMK Melalui Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Aplikasi Media Augmented Reality

Agus Efendi, Endar Suprih Wihidayat, Basori Basori, Dwi Maryono


Learning using the help of technological media is one of the exciting and considered effective learning methods where students can learn anywhere and anytime with the help of smartphones. In addition, learning in fields that require experience or more imagination in the material studied has its difficulties, such as how it works. The learning experience of vocational school students is primarily determined by the learning experience of educators/teachers. Debriefing teachers' ability to design, develop, and apply Augmented Reality (AR)-based multimedia as a learning medium is essential in increasing the attractiveness and enthusiasm of students in learning so that learning outcomes become more effective. Teacher knowledge of innovative learning technology through the application of Augmented Reality in learning innovation is essential, especially in the ability to design and practical skills of Augmented Reality applications are needed. The Augmented Reality-based application training aims to equip teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Karanganyar, especially in developing their learning media by applying more innovative and creative Augmented Reality software applications. The results from this activity show that Vocational school teachers have a reasonably competent and professional potential to develop more creative and innovative learning through a participatory training model approach. All vocational school teachers have a good competency achievement category of 85.6%. Vocational school teachers are pretty creative and innovative enough to have fulfilled the entirely professional category according to their expertise.


Augmented Reality (AR); Learning Media; Participatory training; Teacher professionalism

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