Analisis Usaha Tani dan Pemasaran Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) pada Klaster Jamur di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

Helmy Rahmawati, Heru Irianto, Raden Kunto Adi


This Oyster mushrooms, as one of the horticultural commodities, are widely cultivated in Sukoharjo Regency. These oyster mushroom farmers are attached to the mushroom cluster, which is decreasing yearly due to low bargaining ability in determining the price of production products because traders set the selling price. The purpose of this study is to determine the cost, receipt, profit and efficiency of oyster mushroom farming; assess the pattern of marketing channels used, marketing costs, marketing profits, marketing margins, and farmer's share so that the efficiency of oyster mushroom marketing in Sukoharjo Regency can be known. The research method used is descriptive, carried out in Sukoharjo Regency using the purposive method. The number of samples is determined by the census method and the snowball method. The results showed that the oyster mushroom farming business has been going on efficiently. There are five marketing channels in Sukoharjo Regency. The lowest marketing margins are found in channel V, namely: farmers → end consumers, while the highest margins are found in channel II, namely: farmers → collector traders → retailers → end consumers. The resulting farmer's share value shows that marketing is already taking place efficiently, with the farmer's share value on all five channels ≥ 60%.


efficiency; farmer’s share; margin; profitability

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