Pengembangan Desa Wisata Agroporang

Erlyna Wida Riptanti, Aditya Putra Muh Zein, Agus Dwi Kristiyanto, Budi Santoso, Erika Aviola Putri, Fajar Era Prihantoro, Feby Setiawan, Indra Putri Ardilla, Muhammad Isnan Abdulah, Retno Palupi, Sabrina Mernadianis Ivada, Yusril Arham Hasmanto


Porang is a corm plant and a type of herbal plant that can grow up to 1.5 meters. The geographical location and economic conditions in Jatisari Village have the potential to develop porang cultivation in wet fields in Tanduran Hamlet to become an Agroporang Tourism Village. A tourism village is a tourism asset based on the prospect of a town that includes attractions with various unique features that can be empowered and developed into tourism products to attract the attention of tourists. Jatisari 131 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) students do community service and focus on helping the Jatisari Village Government to develop Tanduran Hamlet into an Agroporang Tourism Village. The development of a tourist village is a process of building and advancing a tourist village. The implementation method involves the Jatisari Village apparatus determining the priority activities to be carried out first. The work program is jointly prepared, and funding is shared in its implementation. The results were that the community increased their awareness of environmental cleanliness. There were signposts to the tourist village, the installation of a photo booth to attract tourists to take selfies and make pamphlets and promotional videos. The work program that has been implemented has increased the public's interest in visiting tourist villages, although the numbers are not yet significant. It is necessary to improve further work programs to enhance the quality of the tourism sector as a source of regional income.


kuliah kerja nyata; photobooth; promotion

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