Table of Contents
Seeking The Authentic Christianity: A Prologue on Coptic Orthodox Christianity in Indonesia
| Abstract views : 901 times
Gun Gun Gunawan, Leonard Chrysostomos Epafras
State Policies and The Increasing Number of Atheism in The Middle East: A Case Study of Saudi and Turkey
| Abstract views : 909 times
Yuangga Kurnia Yahya
Media Point of View on 10 Years of Syiria Conflict: A Functional Grammar
| Abstract views : 365 times
Isti'anah Isti'anah, Abdul Muta'ali
Conversation Principles: Study of Surah Al-Anbiya' Paragraph 89, 87, 85 and 83
| Abstract views : 321 times
Mukhamad Syaiful Milal
Strategy and Quality of Translation of Nusantara Culinary Terms from Indonesian into Arabic
| Abstract views : 727 times
Muhamad Saiful Mukminin, Hidayat Muhammad Sidiq, Fakhimatul Usroh, Nilna Dati Layyina, Yunia Makin Aninda Fiqrotin Nisa', Muhammad Yunus Anis
Errors in the Writing of Indonesian Sounds by Arabic Native Speakers Students at the University of Al Azhar, Cairo
| Abstract views : 320 times
Moh Masrukhi
Al-Amidi's Critical Thinking and Its Implications to The Discussion of Postmodernism Literature Criticism
| Abstract views : 729 times
Fauziyah Kurniawati, Tatik Mariyatut Tasnimah
The Relevance of Taufiq Ismail's "Qira'atul- 'Alamat" in Enforcing The Character of The Indonesian Nation
| Abstract views : 378 times
Eva Farhah, Alifa Tsamratuz Zahirah, Firman Bagus Saputra, Nur Aulia Adilahanif
Criticism of The Palestine-Israel Conflict in The Novel “The Seven Good Years” Perspective Alan Swingewood
| Abstract views : 443 times
Muhammad Hayyi' Lana Alkhan, Roma Ulinnuha