Physicochemical Properties of Jelly Candy Made with Pectin from Red Dragon Fruit Peel in Combination with Carrageenan

Lucia Crysanthy Soedirga, Marchellin Marchellin


Jelly candy is a product with a soft and chewy texture due to a gelling agent such as pectin and carrageenan. Red dragon fruit peel widely uses as natural pectin in various products, one of which is jelly candy. However, the resulting product has a less chewy texture. Thus, combining the natural pectin and carrageenan is expected to improve jelly candy’s physicochemical characteristics. Moreover, in jelly candy products, the combination of carrageenan with red dragon fruit peel pectin have not been applied. The methods in this research consisted of extraction of red dragon fruit peel and jelly candy making. This study uses completely randomized design with two factors: the concentration (3.5%, 4%, 4.5%) and ratio (2:1, 1:1 and 1:2) of red dragon fruit pectin and carrageenan. The jelly candy obtained were observed for its texture, color and moisture content. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness were analyzed to determine the texture of jelly candy. The result showed a combination of red dragon fruit peel pectin and carrageenan within a ratio of 2:1 at 4.5%, selected as the best ratio and concentration in making jelly candy. The jelly candy had a hardness value of 421.59±7.94 g, cohesiveness 0.39±0.01, gumminess 122.22±2.77, chewiness 117.54±2.61, lightness 32.39±0.16 and moisture content 45.83±2.68%. This study provides new insight into gelling agents used to produce jelly candy and the effect on the physicochemical characteristics of jelly candy product.


carrageenan; hydrocolloids; jelly formulation; pectin; red dragon fruit peel

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