Analysis of Vegetation and Community Attitude as the Reforestation Efforts at Greenbelt Area of Multipurpose Reservoir of Wonogiri

Imah Solikhatun, Maridi Maridi, Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti


Land conversion has caused the function of the greenbelt for reservoir to be less effective. The management of the greenbelt area is needed to maintain the primary function of the reservoir. Therefore, a vegetation analysis in the greenbelt area is necessary to evaluate the condition of the existing vegetation and community attitude to maintain the greenbelt area. This study aims at identifying the current condition of the greenbelt area and the diversity of vegetation as well as the community attitude at the greenbelt area of multipurpose reservoir of Wonogiri. Vegetation sampling was done by purposive sampling using directed line quadrant method, while community attitude sampling was performed using in-depth interviews. This study found 14 species of vegetation in the greenbelt area. The most significant contribution of vegetation species was shown by the Importance Value Index (IVI), with 14 species of tree in which teak (Tectona grandis L.) was the species with the highest IVI value. The species diversity index was 1.15-1.7 and it was included in the medium category. Reforestation efforts can be continued because the vegetation condition has shown moderate stability. Community attitudes towards the greenbelt largely support the existence of management although people still and will use the land without disturbing the existing plants. The reforestation program that has been carried out in the last few years is expected to be able to restore the greenbelt in support of the reservoir function.


community attitudes; greenbelt; multipurpose reservoir; vegetation analysis

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