Hubungan Antara Sikap Dengan Perilaku Pro-Lingkungan Ditinjau dari Perspektif Theory Of Planned Behavior

Tyas Palupi, Dian ratna sawitri


Attitudes toward pro-environmental behavior have a positive correlation with pro-environmental behavior. This study was aimed to explain the relationship between attitudes and pro-environmental behavior from the perspective of Theory of Planned Behavior based on the literature on previous studies.Attitudes can predict behavior, so attitudes provide an important role to behavior. Based on previous studies, attitudes toward proenvironmental behavior were investigated through the Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) lens. There were several antecedents variables of pro-environmental behavior, namely attitude, subjective norm, perceived of behavior control, and intention. Positive attitudes toward the environment can directly affect pro-environmental behavior.


Attitude toward pro-environmental behavior, Pro-Environmental Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior

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