Kajian Cara Tanam Jagung Bayi (Zea mays L.) dan Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) terhadap Besarnya Erosi pada Lahan Miring

Supriyadi Supriyadi


The objective of this research was understanding the impact of planting method to N and P element in the soil (swapt away by erosion) of aslant land, determining the best planting method and plant variety that has best ability to reduce erosion of N and P element. This research employed erosion block for seasonal plants with 30O of declivity. Erosion of N and P element examined by analyzing the soil swept away by erotion every 5 days. Analysis of N and P element included available N, total N, available P and total P. Then the data was analyzed with T-test at 95% level confidence.

Conclusion taken from this research were: 1) Planting method reduce availble P and total P element, respectively as much as 15% and 20%, but there was no significant difference between available N and total P, 2) There was significant difference between available P and total P, when the variety of plant and combination was employed as a treatment variation, 3) Pennisetum purpureum planted by using equidistant method reduce N and P element in the soil, respectively as much as 15% and 20%.


planting method; erotion; corn; pennisetum purpureum

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