Suwarto Suwarto, Mohamad Harisudin, Ernoiz Antriyandarti


The choice of institutional land in farming crops for farmers can be influenced by the situation and condition of the farmers who worked in the institutional field. Institutional land in farms is important, thus it is necessity to know the institutional land that currently exist in a region along with the factors that influence the choice of institutional land for farmers. The study was designed to answer the following research problem: (1) to explore and describe institutional dry land area of research in current conditions, and (2) to identify the factors that influence the choice of institutional dry land on farm crops. The location of research used poor rural areas which are far away from the town, Bandungan Hamlet and Parang Kulon Hamlet, Paranggupito District, southern region of Wonogiri Regency , ± 70 km from the Capital of Wonogiri. The choice of location is relatively far away from the city intended to get comprehensive information on institutional land. There were 32 farm households in both hamlets that have cooperation in institutional land as respondents. This research conducted in-depth survey and assessment. The result of study showed that the cooperation on an institutional land area there are pledge, lease, ‘sakap’, and lending. Various factors that influence farmers' choices in the institutional area are known, namely: the bargaining position of farmers who work together, the distance of land by farmers, and kinship.


Farmers’ choice; institusional land

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