Mujiyo Mujiyo


The research has aims to know ; (1) the velocity of function displace of the rice field to the non rice field during year period 2000, 2004 and 2008, (2) change grain product during year period 2000, 2004 and 2008, and (3) the relationship between the velocity of function displace of the rice field to the non rice field and the grain production during year period 2000, 2004 and 2008. Function displace of the rice field in the Kebabakkramat District known by determining the wide of each land use type in the appointed year, and then comparing it with data in the next year. The first mapping was based on the Map of Rupa Bumi Bakosurtanal which made in 2000. The second mapping was based on the image QUICK BIRD 2004 which published in the internet media Google Earth. And the third mapping determined by field survey in the 2008. Result of the research shows that ; (1) rice field in the Kebakkramat District along period 2000 until 2008 had function displace, 2.571,89 ha (2000) decreased to become 2.153,33 ha (2004), and decreased again to become 2.128,11 ha (2008), (2) grain production in the Kebakkramat District along period 2000 until 2007 shows increasing trend, 39.880 ton (2000) increased to become 40.631 ton (2003), but decreased to become 35.354 ton (2004), and increased again to become 43.062 ton (2007), (3) although wide of the rice field decreased, but the grain production increased, because increasing its land productivity caused by continuity of the rice field intensification program.


function displace; rice field; grain production

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