Moch. Galih Pranata, Ahmad Yunus, Bambang Pujiasmanto


Java turmeric is a medicinal plant which in top ranks in its uses. Many people choose herbal treatments for their health. This study aims to investigate the response of the multiplication of java turmeric against granting PGR NAA and young coconut water in vitro. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Tissue Culture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The research was arranged in a Fully Randomized Design with 16 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that giving kombination treatment of 0,5 ppm NAA and 60% young coconut water was able to increase root amount with by an average of 20,33. NAA 1,5 ppm can increase buds amount at 2 buds. Giving 20% young coconut water treatment were also capable of increase average length buds, root length in sequence 7,37 cm and 7,37 cm.


Java turmeric; multiplication; NAA; tissue culture; young coconut water

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