Peristiwa Malari dan Dampaknya terhadap Gerakan Mahasiswa Indonesia (1974-1998)

Anggun Dewi Fathonah, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Tri Yuniyanto


This research aims to describe: 1) Background of The Malari Incident 1974. 2) Chronology of The Malari Incident 1974. 3) Impact of The Malari Incident on The Indonesian student political movement (1974-1998). This research uses historical methods research. Data used in this research are contemporary newspapers, books, and journals with related topics which collected through documentation and literature studies technique. Data analysis techniques conducted through interpretation process with the help of sociology and political science approaches. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that: (1) The Malary Incident 1974 occurred due to escalation of problems that causes domestic political upheavel in early 1970s, such the dominance of foreign capital, dualism of state institutions and internal divisions, the TMII project and marriage draft law issues, also portrait of social inequality in Anti Chinese Incident. (2) That political upheavel causes Indonesian student criticize the government through discussions and demonstrations. But that event on January 15th, 1974 leads to riots due to involvement of irresponsible peoples that take advantage from this situation, so the students become the most wronged party because they have to bear the consequences of something they didn’t do. (3) To avoid similar incidents, the government issued a series of policies that limit student movements. Students are prohibited to plunge in political activity such as criticizing the government through a potential to disrupt political stability. The exception of the policies was done gradually and indirectly changed the student movement over the past few years. This situation lasted until 1998 and ended up with the collapse of the New Order power in the hands of President Soeharto.


Student movement; riots; new order

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