Peran Pers bagi Pendidikan Anak dan Perempuan Jawa Pada Masa Pergerakan Nasional

Adhelyn Ramadhani, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Tri Yuniyanto


The aim of this research is: This research aims to (1) Analyze the politics of education during the national movement (2) Analyze the role of the press in the education of children and women in Java during the national movement. This study uses a historical research method using a communication and education approach. The data sources in this study are in the form of archives of population census documents in 1930 and newspapers in Java such as the Soeloeh Peladjar newspaper, the Poetri Hindia newspaper, the Matahari newspaper and the Penoentoen Pikiran newspaper. The data collection techniques used are literature studies in libraries and document studies through digital platforms in the digital collections of the National Library and Leiden University. The data analysis technique used is historical analysis in the form of external criticism, internal criticism and interpretation. The research procedures carried out are topic selection, heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results of this study are (1) educational political policies in the form of racial discrimination, gradualism, dualism and coordination. This policy made it difficult for indigenous Javanese women to access Western education and only a small number of women from the nobility were able to receive Western school education. The 1930 population census showed that the Javanese women's Latin literacy, which was 33.7 thousand people out of a total Javanese female population of 20.9 million people. This figure shows that only a few Javanese women could access and use newspapers as a medium of education, especially aristocratic women who lived in urban areas and could read Latin letters. (2) The press, especially newspapers containing education, were found in the Soeloeh Peladjar newspaper, the Poetri Hindia newspaper, the Matahari newspaper and the Penoentoen Pikiran newspaper. The role of the press as a medium of information and a medium for children's education was found in the form of general knowledge articles, poetry and riddles. The role of the press as a medium of entertainment was found in the form of short stories, fables, fairy tales and legends. The role of the press as a medium of information and a medium for women's education was in the form of knowledge articles about marriage, household science, the science of educating and caring for children, polygamy, cooking recipes, as well as calls for women and mothers in Java to obtain education and provide opportunities for girls to receive education at school.


pers, education, child, woman, national movement

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