Peninggalan Sejarah di Kawasan Baki Sukoharjo: Kajian Eksploratif

Musa Pelu, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Hieronymus Purwanta, Isawati Isawati, Dadan Adi Kurniawan, Herimanto Herimanto


This research explores and categorizes historical heritage in the Baki area. This exportation and categorization were carried out as part of the development of historical tourism in the area. The method used is descriptive-qualitative, with a focus on grouping historical heritage based on appropriate topics. Data was collected through observation and interviews. The research results show that in general, historical heritage in the Baki area can be categorized into three categories: water heritage, colonial buildings, and the traditional kingdom period. In the context of history learning, these three categorizations can be formulated into the topic of agrarian history, which includes the Irisgas heritage, former factories, and farming culture in the Baki area. Based on these findings, it is hoped that further development will focus on reconstructing agrarian history in the Baki area as a support for historical tourism, especially as a special characteristic or character that will attract tourists to visit Baki.

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