Erma Silvi’a Ningrum, Akhmad Arif Musadad, Isawati Isawati


The purposes of this research aim to describe: (1) the emergence of Girilayu Batik; (2) the development of Girilayu Batik from 1975–2013; and (3) the impact of batik on the lives of the people of Girilayu Village, Matesih, and Karanganyar in 1975–2013.
This research used the historical method. The historical research method is a method that prioritizes sharpness in interpreting historical data. There are four stages in the historical research method, namely heuristics, critic, interpretation, and historiography. The sources of data used were written sources and informants. The data collection techniques used were literature studies and interviews.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) the early development of batik in Girilayu cannot be separated from the courtiers of the tombs in Girilayu Village. They were the wives of the tomb interpreters who worked at Pura Mangkunegaran, who filled their spare time with batik and were passed down from generation to generation. (2) The development of Girilayu Batik was divided in-to three periods. First, the old order period. In this period, Girilayu women mostly worked as half-finished batik workers for entrepreneurs in Solo. They brought batik that had been patterned to be made at home. Secondly, the pioneering period. In this period, there began to be an interest in developing an independent batik business, namely the Wahyu Sari Batik business, owned by Mrs. Sugiyem. This period started in 2006 and became the only SMEs of batik in Girilayu Village. Thirdly, the period of institutionalization, the period that became the point of the emergence of similar businesses in the field of batik. That was marked by the establishment of a batik vocational village by the district government. This Batik vocational village consisted of fifty people who were divided into five large groups with their respective duties. (3) The impact of Batik development on the community in Girilayu Village included the support of the family economy, the improvement of Batik craftsmen’s skills and creativity, the establishment of similar SMEs, and the elimination of unemployment in Girilayu Village.


Batik Girilayu, SMEs, rural communities, Girilayu women

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