Ideologi Marhaenisme Masa Pemerintahan Soekarno Tahun 1950-1965

Padma Cahyaningtyas, Djono Djono, Tri Yunianto


The purpose of this research is to describe: (1) Soekarno's ideology about marhaenism. (2) the implementation of the Marhaenism ideology during the Soekarno government in 1950-1965. The method used in this research is historical. The steps taken in the historical method are heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The data sources used are primary and secondary sources. Data collection techniques using literature study techniques. Data analysis techniques by doing external and internal criticism. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded: (1) The ideology of Marhaenism is a thought designed by Soekarno before Indonesian Independence. Soekarno got the term marhaen from a poor farmer he met while visiting Bandung. This ideology refers to the thought of Marxism as one of the drivers of the proletarian society that developed in Europe. Marhaen's ideology fights for the interests of the small people of Indonesia, most of whom work as farmers and laborers. In addition, Soekarno's thought had a concept of principle and struggle to save the lives of the oppressed marhaen. The aim of marhaenism is to eliminate Dutch imperialism and colonialism. (2) The implementation of the ideology of marhaenism during the Old Order government drew various responses in the community. There are several political parties based on the ideology of marhaenism. Political parties based on marhaenism include the Indonesian National Party (PNI), the Indonesian Marhaen People's Union (Permai), the Indonesian Women's Movement (Gerwani). PNI can be seen from the policies used that emphasize the lives of the little people. Permai in implementing the ideology of marhaenism is the same as PNI, but the PNI masses are more because Permai reaches out to the people in the village. Gerwani supports the struggle of BTI (Barisan Tani Indonesia) against the government which is trying to evict the farmers from the land they occupy.


ideology, merhaenism, soekarno, old order

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