Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Question Student Have Dan Talking Stick Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI IPS 4 SMA Batik 1 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2015/20161

Mega Nur Alfira


The aim of this research is to increase history subject learning achievement by the implementation of cooperative learning model with question student have dan talking stick technique in SMA Batik 1 Class IPS XI. Method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research used two research-cycles, every research cycles consist of planning session, action session, observation session, and reflection session. Subject of this research are fourty seven students in SMA Batik 1 Class IPS XI. The source of research data came from the teacher and students. This research used observation, interviewing, specific instrument test, and document as data collecting technique. Data crosschecked is used as data validation technique. Analytic Description is used as analyzing technique. Result describe the implementation of cooperative learning model with question student have dan talking stick technique able to increase history subject learning achievement from pre-cycles to cycles II. Student learning achievement is measured by affective aspect, cognitive aspect, and psychomotor aspect. In pre-cycles, 28 students (59,58%) pass the cognitive passing grade, 27 students (57,44%) pass the affective passing grade, no students pass the psychomotor passing grade. In cycles I, 37 students (78,72%) pass the cognitive passing grade, 43 students (91,49%) pass the affective passing grade with excellent, 20 students (42,54%) pass the psychomotor passing grade with excellent grade. In cycles II, 45 students (95,74%) pass the cognitive passing grade, 47 students (100%) pass the affective passing grade with excellent grade, 45 students (95,75%) pass the psychomotor passing grade with excellent grade. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model with question student have dan talking stick technique in SMA Batik 1 Class IPS XI successfully increase student learning achievement in history subject.


Cooperative Learning Model, Question Student Have Dan Talking Stick Technique, History Learning Outcomes

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