Peran Zending Dalam Pendidikan Di Surakarta Tahun 1910-1942 dan Relevansinya Dengan Materi Sejarah Pendidikan

Aprilia Pradewi, Leo Agung S., Dadan Adi Kurniawan


The purpose of this research is: (1) find the history of entering zending to the Nusantara  and Surakarta (2)Find the role of zending in education in Surakarta (3) find the relevance of the role of zending in education in Surakarta year 1910-1942 in enrichment of education history course material.

This research used historical method. This research used primary sources and secondary sources. The primary sources such as colonial archives, while the secondary sources used such as books that are relevant to this resourch. Data collection used literature study and interview theory. The data analysis used historical analysis. Research procedures include heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography.

The result showed that: (1) zending entering to the Nusantara and Surakarta through several waves ranging the VOC period, Thomas Stamford Raffless period and Netherlands Indies period. (2) the role of zending in education in Surakarta through formal dan non formal education pathways. Education in formal channels includes establishing Christian schools, establishing a prospective teacher schools, collect fund for the running of Chirstian schools and western education connector in Surakarta. Education in non formal channels includes hold activities on the subject of religious teaching, hold catechism activities and hold Sunday school.  (3) the research of the role of zending in education in Surakarta relevant to educational history courses, basic competencies III in the subject matter of education in the Nusantara during colonialism.


Role, Zending, Education, Education History

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