Akhlis Syamsal Qomar, Tri Yunianto, Musa Pelu


The objectives of this study are: (1) To describe the condition of government in Madiun before and during Raden Ronggo Prawirodirjo III, (2) to describe the background of Raden Ronggo Prawirodirjo III to fight the Dutch colonialism in 1796-1810, (3) to describe the relevance of the struggle of Raden Ronggo Prawirodirjo III against Dutch colonialism in 1796-1810 for the development of Local History material.

This study uses historical methods. The sources used are primary and secondary sources in the form of Yogyakarta Residency files 1724-1903, chronicles and published sources. Data collection is done by library research techniques. Data analysis in this study uses historical analysis. The research procedures carried out included heuristic stages, criticism, interpretation, and historiography.

The results of the study show that: (1) Madiun had had government administration unit and power since the Singosari period to Mataram. The government structure at that time consisted of a regent who was assisted by a patih, wedana, a great mantri, mantra-mantri field, prosecutor, penghulu, demang, lurah palang, bekel, carik, kebayan, and kepetengan, and modin. (2) The background of the struggle of Raden Ronggo Prawirodirjo III against Dutch colonialism was a change new colonial exploitation system, limiting the power of indigenous rulers and demands for surrender of teak forests in foreign mancanegara wetan  to the colonial government. (3) Relevance of the study for the development of Local History course material could be seen as the facility to extend the knowledge about historiography of local history.


Ronggo Prawirodirjo III, colonialism, local history, Yogyakarta, Madiun


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