Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Peningkatan Penjualan Pada Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah di Kabupaten Kendal

Sulaiman Kurdi


The purpose of this research is to find out the existence of the influence of marketing mix; product, price, promotion dan place on the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in Kendal District. The research was conducted on Cooperative Management; Chief of Cooperation/ Cooperative Secretary/ Country Lower, Cooperative Employees or Cooperative Members of the 8 Sharia Financial services Cooperative in  Kendal District. Method used on this research is quantitative research. This research used data in form questionnaires given to 33 respondents. Data analysis used validity test and questionnaire reliability. The result  tested using the double regression analysis with parameter test, model precision test and classic assumption. The validity and and reliability test stated that given questionnaires are valid and reliable. Data analysis result shown that product variable gave positive score to the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in  Kendal District. The effect of product  is 5,616.   Price variable gave positive score to the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in Kendal District. The effect of price is 5,701.  Promotion variable gave positive score to the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in Kendal District.  The effect of promotion is 6,633. Mean while place  variable also gave positive to the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in Kendal District. The effect of place is 4,665. The F-test and T-test state that marketing mix; product, price, promotion, and place variable have a significant and positive impact to the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in Kendal District.  From the result of analysis, it can be concluded that product, price, promotion, and place have a positive and significant impact to the increase of sales in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative in Kendal District.  Really explained that on the four  variables  is  94,2% and the other 5,8% is explained by other variable out of this research.


Marketing, Sharia, Financial, Services Cooperative

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