Table of Contents
Reconstructing Village Druwe Land Administration to Protect the Communal Land in Bali
| Abstract views : 34 times
Sukirno Sukirno, Muh Afif Mahfud, Muhammad Fahad Malik
Unprotected and Unparticipation Mental Health in Regulation Worker
| Abstract views : 35 times
I Wayan Gde Wiryawan, Gede Agung Wirawan Nusantara, I Wayan Eka Artajaya, Rizozoda Tura Rabbim
Halal Food in Flight in Indonesia: Does it Provide Optimal Information?
| Abstract views : 19 times
Annalisa - Yahanan
Measuring WTO Approaches in Resolving Palm Oil and Biofuel Trade Disputes from Indonesia
| Abstract views : 446 times
Chairul Fahmi, Peter-Tobias Stoll
Regulation of working time in the context of the global transition to flexible forms of work
| Abstract views : 16 times
Anatolii P. Getman, Vladyslav S. Tkachenko, Ehor S. Nazymko, Olena Lutsenko