Halal Food in Flight in Indonesia: Does it Provide Optimal Information?

Annalisa - Yahanan


The majority of Indonesian people are Muslims. For this reason, when consuming food, including on airplanes, they must comply with Islamic sharia regulations. However, the information received by passengers regarding halal food is still unclear. The right to information on the food available must be clearly found on the food packaging provided. This can provide a sense of security and comfort for passengers. The aim of this research is to evaluate the regulation of halal products in Indonesia and to analyze the information rights on halal products provided on flights by Indonesian airlines. The research method was carried out normatively with statutory and conceptual approaches. Halal food information data is obtained through internet searches and directly from airlines. The research results show that the regulation of halal products in Indonesia requires every food circulating in Indonesia to carry a halal label and a halal certificate number without exception, whether it is a large or small scale business actor. Not all food information with halal labels on airplanes is included on the product packaging, certain parts of the product, or certain places of the product even though they already have a halal certificate. Passengers will be more comfortable and confident if the halal label information is easy to find and read on the product packaging.


Airline passengers; Halal food in flight; Halal certificate; Halal label




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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/bestuur.v12i2.93620


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